Benefits of Pine Pollen for Men, What New Research Says


Pine pollen is a yellow powder produced from pine tree species. This is a seasonal occurrence in mid to late spring when male shoots or "catkins" become saturated with tiny pollen grains.

Their release into the atmosphere often leaves a blanket of powdery dust which can completely cover the ground and everything around it.

This is a nuisance to some people but in these ecosystems, it is a natural part of the life-growth cycles which feed the soil, plants and wildlife who eat pollen dusted food sources.

Male pine catkin pollen provides phytosterols useful for encouraging the springtime reproductive energy of many wild animals in addition to being a necessary component for fertilizing female pine cones.

We discussed the benefits of pine pollen from Pinus massoniana as a nutritional supplement many years ago as well as our experiences wild harvesting our own when living in an alpine location.

Since then, almost a decade later, pine pollen extracts are still highly valued for middle-aged male health seekers looking for natural ways to improve androgen levels, especially testosterone.

Why Do Middle-Aged Men Need More Testosterone?

There are many hormonal fluctuations that occur with the aging process in both men and women. While females will eventually go through "menopause", males will go through a phase often referred to as "andropause".

This starts to occur in men usually after the age of about 40-50 in which they gradually produce less of the male androgen hormone known as TESTOSTERONE.

The other concern in today's world is the prevalence of XENOESTROGENS produced from plastics and chemicals present in water, food and many other sources. Xenoestrogens can cause hormonal disruption and estrogen-like qualities linked to a number of health conditions including low T-levels.

Often deemed the "Superfood of the 21st Century", pine pollen supplements are becoming a potentially important nutraceutical of modern-day nutrition regimes for counteracting xenoestrogenic influences.


How Does Pine Pollen Work?

Pine pollen is one of the most significant nutritional sources of PHYTOANDROGENS known in nature. These are plant-based steriodal substances, in the form of gibberellins and brassinosteroids, can mimic and foster human testosterone and other proandrogens like androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

This nutrient fortification is known to help the body's ability to make and balance these essential hormones.

Again, supplementation is viewed as an all-natural way to especially rejuvenate and enhance T levels for optimal hormonal health in men after andropause sets in.

Pine pollen can likewise work with other "T" supporting superfoods such as maca, tribulus, ashwagandha, tongkat ali, ginseng, cistanche and fenugreek as a plant-based approach.


When discussing ways to help balance the sex hormones there are many complex mechanisms and pathways that may take place for any one individual. It is important that you do your own research and seek the advice of a qualified health practitioner to help evaluate your own unique hormonal profile.

What are Male Low T Symptoms?

Generally, T levels are considered in the LOW range when they go under 300 ng/dL. This is sometimes also referred to as "hypogonadism".

The list of symptoms of this imbalance include low libido, muscle weakness, increased body fat, depression and sexual dysfunction.

Science often uses the ADAM (Quantitative Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male) survey testing in conjunction with blood level testing for hypogonadism to determine results.


Results of a 2024 Study

While supplementing with pine pollen may not be effective in all cases, it has been known to show positive results in many men over the age of 50, increasing free T levels in the bloodstream.

This has been identified in past research but also in a recent 2024 study on the benefits of pine pollen using a specific brand from one of our favorite suppliers Lost Empire Herbs. 

The study tested 10 men between the age 47-78 with an average of 362.5 ng/dL total testosterone. They took 1/2 dropper of LEH tincture twice daily (5 days on, two days off) for an 8 week period. Results after this time frame identified an average total testosterone level of 448.4 ng/dL, about 86 points up from the initial average.

The research concluded that pine pollen in tincture form can positively influence total testosterone and lifestyle factors in older men.

We don't often promote specific brands, but Lost Empire Herbs is the exception when it comes to pine pollen and their many other quality herbal products.

The male half of the duo here at Superfood Evolution (over the age of 60) gives excellent reports from his own personal experience using LEH products, especially pine pollen and tongkat ali.

The company has sold over 69,000 bottles of the tincture to date also with great reviews. Their pine pollen, like all of their herbs, is backed by a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied after 3 weeks of use.


Not Just for Men, Females Can Benefit

While pine pollen supplementation can be especially beneficial to middle-age to older men, some health experts likewise promote its use also for women during and after menopause.

Pine pollen extract can be an all-natural option for working to counteract disruptive xenoestrogens, harmonize hormone levels and support physical musculature.

Generally, suggested dose is typically less for females.

Difference Between the Tincture and Powder

Raw wild-harvested pine pollen must be cracked to make it absorbable to humans. Hence the marketing phrase "cell-wall cracked or broken".

It is commonly available as both a powdered supplement and a liquid extract. However, there is a bit of a difference between the two.

Pine pollen extract tinctures are reported to be better for hormonal androgen support. This may be especially relevant depending on your age or current health goals.

Both are very beneficial but in different ways. Again, the Lost Empire Herbs Pine Pollen Tincture Extract was the one utilized in 2024 research using a 300 mg dose per 1mL dropper a day.

The powder is considered to be more nutritive offering whole food qualities like vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides and antioxidants.

How to Take Pine Pollen

When consuming the tincture, it is best to hold it in the mouth or under the tongue for at least a minute before swallowing. This can increase the amount that is taken into the bloodstream.

In addition, it is recommended to cycle 5 days on and 2 days off for greater effectiveness.

Pine pollen powder can be added to blended shakes or smoothies as well as consumed straight in water.


Generally, pine pollen as a supplement is for adults and not recommended for adolescences. While pine pollen isn't normally the cause of allergies for most people, it can induce this response in certain individuals and should be avoided. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult your healthcare provider before consuming pine pollen if you have a serious health condition or are taking any medications.


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