Superfoods Blog
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Collagen supplements are a thriving and rapidly growing market in today's health scene. Popularized by many famous celebrities for their beauty-enhancing influence, they are a convenient option to food-based sources like bone broth, By far, the most sought-after product found in supplemental powdered form is called collagen peptides. It is basically synonymous with the terms hydrolyzed collagen, collagen hydrolysate and collagen protein.
Most people want to know certain things about dragon fruit. First, what exactly is it? As the name implies it is a fruit variety, also called pitaya, that comes from an interesting night-blooming species in the cactus family. Growing on downward-flowing branched tips, the ripe juicy flesh gives it a hefty feel. An average fruit can weigh between half to one pound. Dragon fruit is believed to be native to Southern Mexico and regions of Central America but it grows well in many dry subtropical and tropical climates around the world. It is widely cultivated in regions of Vietnam, China, Thailand and Indonesia which are the top four leading producers in the global market.
As you may know, if you're reading this acid reflux home remedies page, you most likely understand that this is a digestive disorder that causes stomach acid indigestion and often a burning sensation in the chest cavity. It's also called "heartburn" for this reason. This happens when the lower esophageal sphincter valve doesn't close properly allowing the regurgitation of gastric acid into the esophagus. This can be a temporary as well as chronic condition brought on by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or a hiatal hernia.
Pine pollen is a yellow powder produced from pine tree species. This is a seasonal occurrence in mid to late spring when male shoots or "catkins" become saturated with tiny pollen grains. Their release into the atmosphere often leaves a blanket of powdery dust which can completely cover the ground and everything around it. This is a nuisance to some people but in these ecosystems, it is a natural part of the life-growth cycles which feed the soil, plants and wildlife who eat pollen dusted food sources.
Xylitol (pronounced zy-li-tawl) is a lab-produced sweetener not exactly a natural unrefined one. It is a type of sugar alcohol that is synthesized from plant matter containing xylan, a hemicellulose polysaccharide that's hydrolyzed into xylose sugar. Xylose is then chemically converted into the crystalline sugar alternative we know as xylitol. This is the same process used to make other polyols and sugar substitutes such as erythritol, mannitol and sorbitol. To produce large quantities of bulk crystals xylitol is made from either corn cobs or birch tree bark.
Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) contains diverse bioactive compounds like gingerols, shogaols, paradols, zingerone and monoterpenes, depending on whether fresh or dried. Sometimes called vishwabhesaj or "universal medicine", these constituents are what give it a wide spectrum of health-enhancing benefits. Here are 5 lesser-known secret uses of ginger to add to this list. In addition, we'll give some traditional ways to take or prepare it for these more therapeutic purposes.
Chestnuts are the fruits or nuts from chestnut tree species that grow in many parts of the world. Here in the United States, we are familiar with the giant American chestnut (Castanea dentata), one of the tallest chestnut tree varieties. Other popular species include European chestnuts like the Spanish chestnut (Castanea sativa) also called "sweet chestnut". This is the one commonly sold unshelled in the commercial marketplace. This outer shell is technically known as a "peel". Underneath this layer is a thin slightly fuzzy skin that is removed to reveal the creamy pale yellow nut that must be heated to make it palatable to humans.
Way back in 2016 when we first wrote about this seaweed, the sea moss that is so popular today was identified using the umbrella term "Irish moss" in many wellness-seeking communities. The name "sea moss" was rarely used. Nowadays, all types are generally referred to as "sea moss" and though they can come from different "red marine algae", their properties as thickening agents are quite similar due to either a high carrageenan or agar content. According to our research, the sea moss that has become especially trendy today comes from the genus Gracilaria, the golden beige variety.
While celery seeds can come from the common celery cultivar, they actually are harvested as a seed spice from another Apium graveolens celery species known as smallage or wild celery. Celery seeds are in same family as other herbs and spices such as parsley, dill, fennel and cumin. When mature, the seed-like fruit develops, dries out and turns a tan to brown color. They somewhat resemble dill seeds in appearance. Being a very tiny seed, one pound may consist of seven hundred thousand to one million celery seeds.
We created our first informational review on MSM over nine years ago, and it has recently become some of our top-viewed content. So, we thought we'd give an updated version, answering some common questions about this potentially valuable sulfur-based supplement. MSMis short for the very long word methylsulfonylmethane (methyl-sulfonyl-methane). Many of you may be familiar with the liquid solvent known as DMSO (dimethyl sulfone). White MSM chunks or powders are basically the water-soluble crystalline form of this compound.
Pea protein as the name implies is a type of powder that is extracted from the Pisum sativum field pea species. Peas from the pod when mature are typically green but can also be a golden yellow color, depending on variety. When dried and dehulled they easily split in half, looking a little bit like a lentil. This creates split green peas or split yellow peas which are a common legume staple used for things like soups and stews. Pea protein powders are made from these dried split peas and, according to our research, most manufacturers use the dried yellow split peas, not the green ones.
What are the differences between red wine vinegar and balsamic Red wine vinegar dates back to ancient Babylon and the beginnings of vinegar fermentation utilizing different fruits and grains. This vinegar variety is believed to have been further developed in Mediterranean regions by the Greeks and Romans who were masters of the winemaking process. Balsamic vinegar has deep roots in northern Italy, specifically the Modena and Reggio Emilia provinces in what is called the Emilia-Romagna region. This is where all authentic balsamic vinegar must come from.
Oyster mushroom is a type of medicinal fungi that grows naturally on deciduous trees all over the planet. Unlike other varieties, like shiitake or maitake, which have been grown for many centuries, the oyster is a fairly new cultivated favorite with many qualities to admire. Called "oyster" mushroom, not because they taste like oysters but because of the curved, sometimes wavy, oyster-like shape of the cap itself. They are quickly becoming one of the most commercially available mushroom staples next to the standard white button or other Agaricus bisporus species, like portobello and cremini.
What is blue spirulina? Most of you up on the list of top superfoods may be familiar with the blue-green microalgae known as spirulina. Blue spirulina is extracted from this spirulina species, mostly the main one known as Arthrospira platensis. This process produces a powder with a brilliantly blue pigmentation because of its high PHYCOCYANIN content. Phycocyanin (also called C-Phycocyanin) is a water-soluble pigment-protein whose main function is to capture light energy. It serves as an accessory pigment to the green compound known as chlorophyll that's also abundant in spirulina.
Coconut oil. is an edible oil sourced from the meat (or kernel) of mature coconuts from the coconut palm or Cocos nucifera species. The specific variety of dietary coconut oil we promote using is organic virgin coconut oil that is not refined, hydrogenated or fractionated. This is an unrefined oil that's usually either cold-pressed or expeller-pressed. Here is a list of the benefits of coconut oil you may wish to ponder if you're a current coconut oil user or contemplating adding it to your pantry of oil staples. How does it compare to MCT Oil? We'll discuss that as well.
This is our list of superfoods that support healthy eyesight. We'll start off with one of the most popular foods to add to a nutritional eye care routine, carrots and especially their concentrated juice. Carrots are one of the highest plant-based food sources of provitamin A known as BETA-CAROTENE, which converts to retinol or vitamin A in the body. It is the dominant pigment responsible for its bright orange color and beneficial for protecting one's vision. As aligned with the Doctrine of Signatures, carrot roots closely resemble the human eye when sliced.
Black seeds, also known as black cumin, are a valued seed variety that have been consumed throughout human history for their nutraceutical properties. Their healing potentials, promoted by the Prophet Muhammad himself, have had great religious significance dating back to ancient Egypt. We have talked a lot about the highly prized black seed oil, a popular modern-day dietary supplement and its broad range of health benefits, but what about the tiny black seeds themselves?
Collard greens or "collards" are the large thick dark green leaves of the collard plant that are edible when raw or cooked as a green leafy vegetable. They are a common cultivar of Brassica oleracea species or Brassica family which includes cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower. Interestingly, collard is simply a "non-heading" version of cabbage or a loose-leaved variety "without a head" or tightly packed core of leaves. In fact, the name "collard" is derived from the term "colewort", describing non-heading Brassica types.
Adzuki bean is a small glossy red bean from the species Vigna angularis, an annual vine native to East Asia. Pronounced 'a-zoo-kee', its name comes from the Japanese language. They are the main bean variety used to make the infamous "red bean paste", popular for use as a condiment or filling in sweet or savory foods. Although adzuki beans have been utilized alongside soybeans for centuries in East Asian cuisine, they are now becoming a more popular bean option in kitchens around the world.
Monk fruit is an alternative sweetener made from the super sweet luo han guo species (Siraitia grosvenorii), native to parts of Southern China. According to Chinese legends, Buddhist monks in the remote mountainous regions near the city of Guilin were the first to discover and use it in the 13th Century. The name "luohan" comes from the term arhat, which means "a monk that becomes enlightened". The round vine-growing fruits are from the Gourd family with the word "guo" describing their fruit-like quality.
Probably one of the world's most popular fruit varieties, raw apples are sources of key nutrients. First, they are top on the list of common fruits that are high in PECTIN. One of the main reasons for the phrase "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Pectin is a type of polysaccharide and soluble fiber that normalizes bowel regularity and acts as a prebiotic, providing food for beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome.
What are lectins? Lectins are types of proteins that bind to carbohydrates. The word LECTIN is derived from the Latin term 'LEGERE' which means "to select" as they are sticky and glue-like. There are literally hundreds of different lectins found in the botanical world. Their biological function in plants is to repel pests. In the human diet, lectins are most prevalent in plant-based foods. While "gluten" is one of the most well-known lectins, turns out there may be others we need to be wary of.
This dietary supplement is one that we here at Superfood Evolution both take regularly for its profound health-promoting influences. Not because of its long list of significant nutraceutical uses, but for other underlying benefits that it can offer to everyday life. What is this mysterious woody fungus? Displayed proudly on our header, it is one of our most beloved top superfoods in the world as well as on our website and YouTube channel. It is the reishi mushroom, also known as lingzhi or Ganoderma lucidum.
Manufactured oat milk is a plant-based drink known to have Swedish origins although health enthusiasts have been making it at home for many decades. The commercial variety is considered the innovation of food scientist Rickard Öste who in part produced one of the first oat milk brands in Sweden in the early 1990s. In the U.S., oat milk became the go-to dairy-free milk alternative between 2017-2019 and since then has only grown in popularity. Step aside soy milk and almond milk, oat milk is predicted to be top on the list of vegan plant milk options in 2024.
Even though it is virtually impossible to escape all the microplastics currently present in our food, water and atmosphere, it is possible to do what we can to protect ourselves by facilitating the body's own detoxification processes. When it comes to ways to remove microplastics from the body, taking a multi-faceted approach is ever so important. So, in addition to maintaining a health-promoting diet and lifestyle choices, periodic use of certain super supplements can help to achieve this goal. Here are our top favorites to consider for assisting in their removal.
Continue reading "Ways to Remove Microplastics from the Body"
Green tea comes from a very remarkable yet humble-looking shrub, the Camellia, often used as a flowering ornamental landscape variety because it's easy to grow and maintain. This is the same thick hardy-leafed plant utilized to make black tea. Black tea, however, goes through an oxidation or "fermentation" process that green tea does not. Green tea leaves are immediately heated to stop oxidation which retains the dried leaf's green chlorophyll pigment as well as many health-enhancing nutrients that this type of tea is known for.
People often get walnuts and pecans confused because they look and taste somewhat similar. While they are in the same family Juglandaceae, they come from different genus and nut tree species. The common English walnut is known as Juglans regia and the popular pecan species is Carya illinoinens, a type of hickory. Both have thick outer husks surrounding the shell and nut. Walnuts have a golden light brown color and more ridges than pecans. Pecans, pronounced either 'PEE-Can' or 'PEE-Con', are smoother and flatter with vertical grooves and more of a red-brown color.
Generally speaking, polenta can be considered a type of cornmeal which technically means milled corn or maize. The common cornmeal that most people are familiar with is steel-milled which removes most of the husk and germ of the corn. Stone-ground cornmeal is like polenta as it retains more of the whole kernel. Cornmeal types tend to have a uniform texture and are better than polenta when used as a flour for baked goods like cornbread. Polenta meal is most always a medium coarse uneven texture, but cornmeal that's labeled "coarse ground" is often used interchangeably.
Bone broth is a traditional food that dates back to prehistoric hunter-gatherers, hence why it’s often on a paleo diet protocol. Today, preparing it is still an age-old custom in many parts of the world. The current bone broth craze in the U.S. largely began many years ago in New York City by chef Marco Canora who ladled out this hearty brew from a takeout window. Now, people all over the planet have embraced it by the cupful for its many revitalizing health benefits, making it homemade or adding dehydrated bone broth protein powders to their morning rituals.
One of the great virtues of stinging nettle revered throughout the ages is its high concentration of nutrients. When nettle leaves are infused in hot water, they provide easily assimilated liquid nutrition. Dark olive-green nettle tea has a strong vegetal flavor because it's full of vitamins and minerals, especially iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K and some B vitamins. Tea infusions, using either fresh or dried leaves, are therefore potent vitamineral broths and great to have on hand for adding to soups or blended smoothies for extra sustenance.
What is Sumac Spice? Sumac spice comes from the little reddish berries of the sumac bush that grow in dense clusters at the branch tips called bobs. The red berry fruit is fuzzy and sticky when ripe with a thin flesh surrounding one seed. After the whole berries are dried, they often turn a duller burgundy purple color and are ground to make the powdered spice called sumac. Sumac is known for its unusual tangy citrus-like flavor which comes primarily from its MALIC ACID content.
With plant-powered foods on the rise in the last decade, cauliflower's taste and texture have been used to transform some classic dishes into low-carb alternatives that are just as tasty. Today, many cauliflower recipes focus on this vegetable as the star of the show. That's because the cluster of florets that make up a cauliflower head are quite versatile lending themselves well to many appetizers or even as the main course. As a replacement for high-carb foods cauliflower hits the mark because of its milder taste and ability to take on flavor via any sauces and seasonings you put on it. Here are the top unusual yet creative ways to use this common cruciferous variety.
Cod liver oil is made, as the name implies, by extracting the oil from the liver of the North Atlantic cod fish (Gadus morhua) where nutrients are most concentrated. Used as a common household nutritive supplement, consuming cod liver oil has been a Nordic tradition for centuries, helping one to endure these colder Arctic climate zones. Here are the top cod liver oil benefits, some considerations about dosage, plus the major differences between cod liver oil vs fish oil as there are some advantages and disadvantages to both.
The benefits of drinking hibiscus tea, which we will shortly discuss, come from the main Hibiscus sabdariffa or "roselle" species most commonly utilized for hot water or sun tea infusions. The classic tropical-looking white, pink or red hibiscus flower has 5 broad ornate petals with an extended center pistil and many stigmas. The tea itself, however, is NOT made from these dried flowers as one might assume, but from what is called a flower calyx. Hibiscus tea can be a delicious tangy hot beverage or a thirst-quenching cold drink, but this infused liquid also offers many benefits to the body when incorporated into one's daily herbal tea regime.
A bladder infection, also called cystitis, is a type of urinary tract infection that affects the lower urinary system where the bladder is located. While antibiotics are typically prescribed to get rid of a lower urinary tract infection, if taken repeatedly over a 6-month period immune response can weaken and the bacteria involved (commonly E. coli) can increase resistance, leaving one vulnerable to future episodes. That's where some bladder infection home remedies might also come in handy to have in your arsenal of choices. Here is our list of superfoods in the form of foods, drinks, herbs and vitamins that you may wish to supplement with as a preventative as well as during the healing process.
It doesn't take much reading of ancient or modern Ayurvedic texts to discover that neem has been and continues to this day to be a very powerful species. According to Hindi mythology, the neem tree Azadirachta indica is of "divine origin", born as drops of amrita nectar (the elixir of immortality) directly to earth from the Devas. Also called "margosa" or "nimba", a term derived from Sanskrit to mean "to bestow health". There are some overlapping compounds in the leaf and oil, but neem leaves are far more suitable for internal use. They are full of active phytochemicals that make them one of the most potent leafy herbs on the planet with very strong therapeutic potentials for humans.
The nutritional benefits of chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans), like other beans, come from fiber but mainly their high PROTEIN content. Offering versatility across a wide spectrum of international cuisines, they are often a well-loved protein option for plant-based vegan and vegetarian diets. The use of chickpea flour is also on the rise, although it’s been a long-time staple on the Indian subcontinent. We'll share how to cook garbanzo beans as well as give you a couple of secrets to preparing them for maximum digestibility and nutritional value, two elements that we feel go side by side. Here are our personal top favorite ways to use chickpeas that can also simultaneously boost nutrient uptake.
Ashwagandha is a long slender root from the Withania somnifera species utilized as one of the top herbs in Ayurveda for well over 3,000 years. The root has a whitish center and is traditionally dried and used as a bulk powder or taken as capsules or tablets. Whole roots or pieces can also be ground or used in teas and other herbal preparations. It is likewise common these days to find it as a concentrated liquid or encapsulated supplement extract. Here are the intertwining benefits of ashwagandha and reasons you may wish to consider adding this top ayurvedic herb to your arsenal of plant-based allies.
What are the nutritional benefits of cherries and the difference between tart vs sweet? Each type has its own list of healthful properties. Sweet dark red cherries are usually the ones most people are familiar with as a raw fresh fruit, but sour tart cherries are also a long-time cooking favorite in some cultures. In recent times, however, cultivars from this tart species Prunus cerasus or "sour cherry" have made their way onto the worldwide health scene.
Out of other nuts and seeds, macadamias are one of the highest in fat content, even next to other tree nuts like pine nuts and walnuts. This aspect gives them their savory buttery-rich texture that can be hard to stop eating. One ounce of macadamia averages about 16.5g of monounsaturated fat, 3.4g of saturated fat and 0.4g of polyunsaturated fat. Comprised mostly of the MONOUNSATURATED FATS, oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, macadamia nut consumption has been shown in research to reduce total LDL cholesterol and support cardiovascular health.
Continue reading "Top 4 Nutritional Benefits of Macadamia Nuts"
Manuka honey is made by honeybees that source their nectar from the manuka tree flowers native to New Zealand and southeastern Australia. The manuka species, Leptospermum scoparium, is a bush-like tree with prickly leaves and large seed capsules. It is one of the first plants to grow on wild land that has been cleared. However, just because honey is labeled "manuka honey" does not mean it is the real deal. New Zealand is the main producer of mānuka honey with strict guidelines on all exported manuka honey products.
Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a powerful tree species in today's day and age. Firstly, because of its tenacious fast-growing nature and adaptability to different terrains. Secondly, because of its multiple uses and extraordinary nutritional benefits to humans. While all parts of the Moringa tree are useful, it is the small oval-shaped leaves that are especially utilized for their very high nutrient value. They are one of those special green superfoods that exemplify the healing potential of chlorophyll-rich plants. In India, it's known as "shobhanjana" which means "very favorable tree", making reference to these respected qualities.
Chamomile tea is probably one of the most common herbal teas known around the world for its calming qualities and tasty flavor. Utilized in ancient Egypt and extensively in England and other parts of Europe throughout the Middle Ages, chamomile was listed in some of the first botanical pharmacopeia in Western Herbalism and is a classic herb garden tradition. There are several chamomile types but the main two species used for herbal teas are Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla).
What is Teff? Eragrostis tef is an annual lovegrass species that is grown for its edible seeds called "teff" which are cooked whole or used as a flour. Native to the Horn of Africa, it's the smallest type of grain used by humans measuring about 1/100th the size of a kernel of wheat. The name in fact comes from the Amharic word "teffa" (ጠፍፋ) meaning "loss", probably making reference to the teeny tiny seeds that can tend to get lost during the harvesting process. Teff's poppy seed-like size enables the whole grain to cook rather quickly, usually taking only 15-20 minutes on a stovetop.
These are our favorite superfoods for detox options to consider adding to the diet on a periodic basis when cleansing protocols might be in order. Since we are all exposed to some form of toxins on a day-to-day basis, it is good to have a handy list of herbs, supplements and drinks that help clean them out on occasion to assist the body's own natural detoxification processes.
Hemp milk is made from hemp seeds, one of the superfoods from the hemp plant known for its many uses as a food, fiber, fuel and supplement source. Some manufacturers have coined the term "hemp hearts", which are the tiny cream-colored seeds with some green husks but the outer shells removed. These seeds are also utilized to make hemp seed oil, hemp seed butter, hemp seed flour and hemp protein powder. Hemp seeds are used to make a great tasting milk alternative with a creamy consistency close to that of cow's milk.
Have you ever wondered "why do my fingernails break so frequently?" This could be nails that tend to split, crack, tear or chip easily. Other nail signs of health problems may include vertical ridges on nails or thin nails that take a long time to grow. Nutritional deficiencies are a common cause of nail weakness, so it's good to know what superfoods, vitamins, herbs and supplements you can take if supporting strong thick nail growth is a health objective. Here are 5 home remedies for brittle nails plus the top list of nail-nourishing vitamins and minerals.
Citrus trees are quite amazing in that they can produce large bright-colored juicy sweet fruits in the peak of winter. Citrus types like oranges can likewise be a reviving treat in these colder months when many people crave their immune-nourishing nutrients. Of course, one of the most famous nutritional benefits of citrus fruit is that all are very high in VITAMIN C, but there are other amazing aspects about citrus you may be less familiar with.
What is paprika made of exactly and is it from a particular spice plant species? Paprika can technically come from any kind of Capsicum annuum red pepper. Although is it commonly made from less pungent red chili pepper varieties, the spice doesn’t originate from one particular type. Most paprika is made from the pericarp or fruit flesh of the pepper and contains little to no seeds, giving the powder its iconic bright red color. Depending on where paprika is from, it can be sourced from a number of Capsicum annuum varietals or cultivars that are indeed created for paprika production.