Candida albicans is a type yeast that is naturally present in the human gastrointestinal tract, mouth and birth canal in small amounts and is a necessary part of healthy gut microbiota. However, when our body pH or immune system is compromised an "overgrowth" of candida can occur.
Being a dimorphic microbe, C. albicans can exist as both a yeast and a fungus. In its balanced state it is a yeast, but under the right conditions it can morph into its fungal form, developing finger-like tentacles, called hyphae, that can spread into tissue causing damage and inflammation in the intestines and throughout the body.
Gut flora or gut microbiota are the complex community of microorganisms that exist and thrive in the ecological niche of the human digestive tract, mostly the large intestine. This includes both bacterial phyla, which make up approximately 80% of the total population, as well as the fungal genera, which include the other 20%.
These bacterial and fungal species are mutually beneficial and play a central role in the foundation of human health. In a study
documented in the Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology is was
quantified that "our gut contains in the range of 1000 bacterial species
and 100-fold more genes than are found in the human genome."
referred to as the "forgotten organ", some holistic health experts, in fact, liken
the metabolic activities performed by these intestinal microorganisms
to those of any vital organ system.
According to a 2015 review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. "The normal gut microbiota imparts specific function in host nutrient metabolism, xenobiotic and drug metabolism, maintenance of structural integrity of the gut mucosal barrier, immunomodulation, and protection against pathogens."
Normally the proportion of beneficial microflora and fungal species, like candida, is present in about a 5 to 1 ratio. When an overgrowth occurs C. albicans significantly outnumbers these other strains and becomes the dominant species, in turn causing a condition known as candida, candidiasis or candidosis.
Over time this fungal infection can increase the permeability of the intestinal lining and instigate conditions like leaky gut syndrome, causing indigestion of food and the toxic leaking of this undigested waste material into the bloodstream.
Candida overgrowth, at this point, is considered a pathogenic substance that can comprise the immune system and create various autoimmune responses.
While there are many different species in the genus Candida, they are only more than 20 types that can cause infection. C. albicans, is by far the most common. Two other species that can get out of control include C. glabrata and C. rugosa, but are more likely to develop in elderly populations or those who are HIV positive.
Many holistic and naturopathic health practitioners as well as nutritionists have, in fact, directly linked leaky gut syndrome with food allergies and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, autism, multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease.
At this stage, consuming high amounts of carbohydrates and sugar-rich foods can "feed" this fungal state and will eventually lead to chronic digestive issues. This can interfere with the absorption of nutrients, leading to malnutrition in infected individuals.
With further progression, candida can make its way out of the digestive tract into the bloodstream, invading other tissues and organs of the body.
can also develop as a white cottage cheese-like yeast which can become
evident in the mucous membranes of the mouth (thrush) or vagina, but may
also take the form of a red rash on the skin and genitals, typically
areas that are dark, warm and moist.
In this situation, a natural approach and remedy would include detoxification through a specific dietary regimen. This is ultimately necessary for restoring balance and the long-term functions of the digestive tract and colon. The book entitled "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates is an excellent resource for those who wish to heal from candidiasis the naturally way.
The main difference between holistic candida treatment and synthetic treatment is the lack of negative side-effects. In addition, natural remedies reduce the possibility of developing drug-resistant strains of the candida species, which have become an increasing occurrence.
Nevertheless, some people might choose to take prescribed antibiotics to kill a persistent systemic candida condition. However, one must be aware that this also eliminates most of the other beneficial microbes present in the gut. Under such circumstances, it is essential that one reestablish a healthy balance of gut flora through dietary probiotic supplementation, while also simultaneously following a low sugar candida diet for a period of time.
It is good to get lab testing if you are unsure whether you are infected with a candida condition. Typically there are four methods for detecting levels of C. albicans: a culture test, a blood test, a stool test and a urine test. Blood tests, however, are usually the most reliable as they test for specific antibodies related to this dimorphic yeast species.
Although candida has only recently become an accepted condition by the medical community, there is a substantial amount of scientific research demonstrating its causes and effects.
Under optimal conditions, the larger number of friendly bacteria and yeast usually keep the lower percentage of candida yeast under control. However, there appears to be a number of triggers that can cause a candida infection, whereby the C. albicans species begins to morph and multiple when it is given the adequate environment in which to do so. This normally involves a change in pH levels and a weakened immune system.
Use of Antibiotics - Many of the broad-spectrum antibiotics can
instigate the overgrowth of candida. The term broad-spectrum refers to
antibiotics that act against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria, as oppose to "narrow spectrum" which effects specific bacteria
species. A major side effect of taking these forms of antibiotics is
that it creates an environment that gives existing candida strains a
competitive advantage in the absence of beneficial bacteria.
Birth Control Pills
- A common cause of candida imbalance, oral contraceptives increase
estrogen levels which can throw off hormonal equilibrium and promote the
growth of yeast in the vagina and gastrointestinal tract.
Dietary Influence
- While simple sugars are the food that candida feeds off of, they are
not necessary the cause in all cases. However, a prolonged diet rich in
sugar and carbohydrates is not a healthy diet plan that supports optimal immune
functions, which can leave one vulnerable to infection. This includes all forms
of sugar, but especially low quality sources, like refined and processed
baked goods, bread, cookies, ice cream, crackers, pasta, alcohol, soft drinks and
Weakened Immune System - There are a variety of
factors that can cause a weak immune system. Some of the more serious
ones include diseases like cancer or AIDS. Prolonged emotional and
physical stress can also cause adrenal fatigue and a weak immune
response, increasing risk of developing candidiasis.
Cancer Treatments
- While chemotherapy and radiation treatments work to destroy cancerous
cells and tumors, they also eliminate the healthy bacteria that keep
candida in check.
Mercury Dental Fillings - Amalgam
fillings are toxic to the body and can leach mercury particles into the
bloodstream, weakening the immune system and increasing risk microbial gut imbalance and fungal colonization.
Oral Corticosteroids -
Other forms of oral candidiasis, like thrush, can take form in the mouth
with the extended use of corticosteroid inhalants often prescribed to
treat asthma.
Pregnancy - Hormonal fluctuations can cause
pregnant woman to develop yeast infections. In addition, natural
cravings for sweet foods and more acidic protein-rich foods can also exacerbate and encourage candida development.
- In both forms of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, elevated sugar ratios
in the blood and mucous membranes are typically higher than normal. This is known to increase risk of developing a yeast infection in diabetic individuals.
Chlorine and Fluoride - These are two substances commonly found in tap water that we potentially drink, bathe in, brush our teeth with and use to wash a number of household items. Repeated exposure to chlorine and fluoride is identified with lowered immunity and negative impacts of gut flora.
It is important to avoid the following list of foods that feed candida yeast.
Although C. albicans is a common member of human gut flora, when it begins to outnumber other beneficial species, it can be a stubborn infection to get rid of completely. As a result, some people may wish to resort to allopathic drug treatments, the primarily one's being Diflucan, Nystatin, Nizoral and Sporanox.
While we would not recommend these as a first option, especially for minor symptoms, when candida is causing major health issues sometimes these medications are more appropriate alternatives. These drugs have their own set of side-effects and are not long-term curative strategies but can help to eradicate or stop the growth of the C. albicans species.
After treatment it is often helpful for you to follow a detoxification protocol, maintain a low sugar diet and partake in health promoting low-stress lifestyle. Additional dietary probiotic supplementation is also necessary to initially restore healthy gut microbes that were destroyed from the antibiotic medication.
Seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider to receive thorough candida testing if you have systemic candida symptoms or have serious digestive issues. It is always important to consult your medical physician on the most suitable drug alternatives for your particular situation, if you choose to go that route.
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