Coriolus (Turkey Tail Mushroom), Potent Superfood for Immune Functions


Coriolus versicolor (Trametes versicolor) is a fruitful woodland mushroom that grows prolifically on diverse hardwoods virtually all over the earth.  It has been used for centuries, in many parts of the world, as a natural medicine that provides strong anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties.

It is often referred to as "turkey tail" for it's shape and striped lines of various colors that resemble the tail feathers of wild male turkeys.

It is one of the most widely researched medicinal mushroom varieties for its powerful effects on raising base and secondary immune functions. 

Coriolus contains two specific polysaccharides, PSK and PSP, that have been shown to help inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.  It has long been used as an adjunct to the big C therapy in Japan.  In fact, PSK extract (also called "krestin") has been used by the Japanese since the 1980's as an approved natural medical treatment for several types of C-specific disorders.

What is Turkey Tail Mushroom?

Trametes versicolor, also called Coriolus versicolor, is a type of polypore mushroom or "bracket fungi" that has pores on the underside of its fruiting body and tends to grow in shelf-like formations, ranging from only a single row or, like turkey tail, up to dozens of rows at a time.

Polypore mushrooms, like Inonotus obliquus, Ganoderma lucidum or Trametes versicolor, grow and feed off of tree trunks, branches, stumps or decaying logs.  These types of mushrooms, related to corticioid fungi, are one of the most vital managers of wood decomposition and play an important role in the cycles of all forest ecosystems on the planet.

Interestingly enough, Trametes veriscolor is one of the most commonly found mushrooms, forming great colonies on sides of trees or rotting wood.  Once you are familiar with it, suddenly you see them every where when hiking through wild forest habitats.

Turkey tail mushroom is native to tropical, subtropical and temperate zone climates and is extremely adaptive, growing prolifically in a wide assortment of woodland regions all over the world.

It is not a soft mushroom, like shiitake, but rather a thin, tough and sometimes slightly fuzzy feeling variety.  They also come in a wide spectrum of colors but are predominantly shades of white, brown and orange with occasional lines of green, blue and maroon pigments.  These colors form in very beautiful rainbow-like segments.


History of Use

Asian cultures were one of the first people to discover the potent effects that medicinal mushrooms can have on overall health.  Referred to in China as yun zhi, coriolus mushroom has been brewed as an adaptogen tonic tea for centuries.

The Japanese refer to turkey tail as kawaritake, which also translates as "cloud mushroom."  Scientists in Japan, since the 1960's, have been intensely researching the medicinal properties that the mushroom has on the immune system as well as its influence as an anti-tumor agent. 

Coriolus has also been used by native peoples and herbalists in Europe as well as parts of North America for a very long time.

In the Traditional Chinese Medical Book, called the Bencao Gangmu or "Compendium of Materia Medica", written by Li Shizhen during the Ming Dynasty in 1578, it refers to "the cloud mushroom" and its ability to positively affect all three treasures Chi, Shen and Jing. It is referenced that long-term consumption will "make one vigorous" and "contribute to a long life."

Turkey Tail Mushroom, An Immune Enhancer

1) Contains the Beta-Glucans PSK and PSP
2) Influences Natural Killer Cell Activity
3) Supplementation for Breast Issues
4) Helpful for Autoimmune Support

Contains the Beta-Glucans PSK and PSP

Turkey tail mushroom is packed with Beta-glucan polysaccharides that are known to help modulate and stimulate the immune system.  One of these beta-glucan-rich compounds is a protein-bound polysaccharide called polysaccharide-K (PSK or krestin), and is found only in the Trametes versicolor mushroom species.

After being researched by Japanese scientists, PSK extract was approved in the 1980's as a medical drug to be used for treating several types of "C" issues.  Evidence in human clinical trials using PSK indicates anti-tumor activity particularly for stomach, esophageal, lung and breast issues. 


Although the FDA acknowledges the benefits of Trametes veriscolor, one of the main reasons why they can't legally approve extracts of coriolus, like PSK, is because the API (active principal ingredient) needs to be precisely identified.  According to a Huffington Post article by Paul Stamets, "PSK is an assortment of sugars and attached proteins but has no unique molecule responsible for its impact on the immune system. Without that API, verification from batch-to-batch is not possible. Thus, it is classified as an undefined drug. This is one reason why PSK cannot be legally imported nor marketed in the United States." (*)

In addition, other small polypeptides as well as versicolor polysaccharide (VPS) are also known to have beneficial results on inhibiting certain cancerous tumor growths.

Turkey tail mushroom also contains the polysaccharide referred to as PSP, a potent anti-viral agent that works primarily as a "biological response modifier" (BRM), stimulating the bodies response to infection and disease.

These anti-viral components are thought to be specifically protective toward the "oncoviruses" such as the Hepatitis C virus and the Human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical disorders.  All medicinal mushrooms have these immune shielding effects and many, like coriolus, chaga and maitake, are currently being researched for their potential benefits for eliminating viruses and also may act as preventatives, helping to build a healthy immune system.

Powdered extracts of coriolus are often used in "supplement" form, here in the West, and as a complementary adjunct to prescribed C-treatment.  Many holistic medical practitioners are well aware of the mushroom extract and it is often recommended for an extra boost to the immune system after chemotherapy to help protect against recurrence.

Influences Natural Killer Cell Activity

Coriolus mushroom naturally helps influence the activation of "natural killer cells" or NK cells.  These are unique immune cells that provide a speedy protective response against tumorous growth and infected cells, acting in a much faster way than other cells because of their ability to identify stressed cells and pathogens. 

They perform on both surface (secretory) immunity, the first line of defense, as well as on the deep immune system and bone marrow reserve, which is essentially the back up resource for the secretory system. These attributes make NK cells potentially helpful for a number of autoimmune related conditions in addition to cancerous tumors. 

Because NK cell levels drop and substantially deactivate after radiation and chemotherapy treatments, turkey tail extract can be particularly supportive as a supplement when undergoing such procedures.  Increased NK cells can assist in protecting the patient from further growth or exposure.

Supplementation for Breast Issues

Well known mycologist Paul Stamets, director of research and founder of Fungi Perfecti (now Host Defense), had his own personal experience with Coriolus versicolor when his own 84 year old mother was diagnosed in 2009 with stage 4 breast disorders and given less than 3 months to live. (Watch the video here!) 


Helpful for Autoimmune Support

Turkey tail extracts can support those with Lyme's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and other autoimmune or inflammatory diseases as it helps to modulate the immune "helper cells", which is an essential factor in controlling these conditions.

How to Use

Powder Hot Water Extracts

The best and most medicinally effective way to use this mushroom is to use powdered extracts.

Mushroom Science is a high quality brand that offers a tested potent extraction of coriolus, by far one of the best on the market. 

They offer both a super strength version as well as a PSP extract.  Mushroom Science extracts are made using a method called "hot water extraction" in which the chitin (hard shelled fiber) is removed. This allows for the effective extraction of polysaccharide concentrates.

Mycelium Extracts and Tinctures

Fungi Perfecti is another top medicinal mushroom brand we use and trust.  These are a freeze-dried encapsulated powdered extract of the actual mushroom mycelium bio-mass. 

Dragon Herbs also offers an alcohol tincture called Coriolus Immune Drops.

We tend to open up powdered capsules of mushroom extracts and stir them into hot drinks, shakes and tonic teas with other superfoods, like shilajit and maca.  The powder has a mild bitter-sweet flavor, but not noticeable when blended with most recipes.  

Fresh Turkey Tail Tea

For those of you who like to harvest wild foods, turkey tail can be commonly found in many woodland environments around the planet. 

It is VERY important that you positively identify any mushroom before you ingest it as there are many poisonous and deadly varieties.

Fresh coriolus versicolor mushrooms need to be decocted in hot water for 20-60 minutes to extract the medicinal polysaccharides.  The liquid tea can then be consumed for its many immune building properties.  The actual mushroom is commonly discarded after simmering rather than eaten as it is not very palatable.


Generally, medicinal mushrooms are very safe to consume for most people.  You should, however, always seek the advise of your health care provider if you have serious health conditions, rather than relying on self treatment with the mushroom alone.

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