Do you love the gluten-free grains and want to know more specifics about their nutrients? Here we have gathered info for the top 6 ancient grain varieties: millet, amaranth, teff, sorghum, buckwheat, and quinoa.
Use these charts as a reference guide when you want a quick glance at specific nutrient levels. This can be helpful for those following a gluten-free diet or for any type of diet in which grains are on the menu.
The nutritional profiles (listed in grams, mg, or mcg) on this page are directly sourced first from the USDA FoodData Central, an integrated nutrient and food composition data system. Other secondary resources if necessary include the websites Nutrition Value and Nutrition Data.
From these quantities, we go to Daily Value Percentage Calculator (*) to most accurately come up with daily percentages calculated from the current U.S. FDA's Daily Value (DV) based on a daily caloric intake of 2,000 calories.
Keep in mind these are general estimates of nutritional amounts and percentages, basically to give you an "idea of nutritional composition". Of course, numbers may largely vary depending on the source, quality, and other factors.
To make it a bit easier, you can use these links to jump right to any one nutrient chart.
Under each category, we will give you the top gluten-free ancient grains for that particular nutrient. For example, amaranth is at the top of the list for protein with buckwheat at the bottom with the lowest protein content.
But, just in case you'd like to look up a specific gluten-free grain variety, we've also included separate chart lists for those as well.
Use these links to jump to any one variety.
One Cup of Cooked Gluten-Free Grains
(Percent Daily Values are based on a daily caloric intake of 2,000 calories.)
Teff - 9.8g, 19%
Amaranth - 9g, 18%
Quinoa - 8.1g, 16%
Sorghum - 6.6g, 13%
Millet - 6.1g, 12%
Buckwheat - 5.7g, 11%
Teff - 50g, 16%
Amaranth - 46g, 15%
Sorghum - 46g, 15%
Millet - 41.2g, 14%
Buckwheat - 33.4g, 11%
Quinoa - 39.4g, 13%
Teff - 7.1g, 28%
Sorghum - 5g, 20%
Quinoa - 5.2g, 21%
Amaranth - 5.2g, 21%
Buckwheat - 4.54g, 18%
Millet - 2.3g, 9%
Amaranth - 3.9g, 6%
Quinoa - 3.6g, 5%
Sorghum - 2.2g, 3%
Millet - 1.7g, 3%
Teff - 1.6g, 2%
Buckwheat - 1.04g, 1%
Teff - 255, 13%
From Carbohydrate - 201
From Fat - 14.7
From Protein - 39
Amaranth - 251, 13%
From Carbohydrate - 186
From Fat - 32.5
From Protein - 32.4
Quinoa - 222, 11%
From Carbohydrate - 157
From Fat - 32
From Protein - 32.6
Sorghum - 219, 11%
From Carbohydrate - 192
From Fat - 17
From Protein - 10
Millet - 207, 10%
From Carbohydrate - 169
From Fat - 14.6
From Protein - 23.6
Buckwheat - 155, 8%
From Carbohydrate - 127
From Fat - 8.7
From Protein - 19
Teff - 0.461mg, 31%
Millet - 0.2mg, 13%
Sorghum - 0.2mg, 13%
Quinoa - 0.198mg, 13%
Buckwheat - 0.067mg, 4%
Amaranth - 0.037mg, 2%
Quinoa - 0.204mg, 12%
Amaranth - 0.1mg, 6%
Sorghum - 0.1mg, 6%
Millet - 0.1mg, 6%
Teff - 0.083mg, 5%
Buckwheat - 0.066mg, 4%
Millet - 2.3mg, 11%
Teff - 2.291mg, 11%
Sorghum - 1.86mg, 9%
Buckwheat - 1.57mg, 8%
Quinoa - 0.762mg, 4%
Amaranth - 0.6mg, 3%
Amaranth - 0.3mg, 15%
Sorghum - 0.26mg, 13%
Teff - 0.244mg, 12%
Quinoa - 0.228mg, 11%
Millet - 0.2mg, 10%
Buckwheat - 0.129mg, 6%
Quinoa - 77.7g, 19%
Amaranth - 54.1mcg, 13%
Teff - 45.36mcg, 11%
Millet - 33.1mcg, 8%
Buckwheat - 23.5mcg, 6%
Sorghum - 12.8mcg, 3%
Teff - 123.5mg, 12%
Amaranth - 116mg, 11%
Quinoa - 31.45mg, 3%
Buckwheat - 11.8mg, 1%
Sorghum - 8mg, 0.8%
Millet - 5.2mg, 0.5%
Teff - 0.570mg, 28%
Amaranth - 0.4mg, 20%
Quinoa - 0.355mg, 18%
Millet - 0.3mg, 15%
Buckwheat - 0.245mg, 12%
Sorghum - 0.18mg, 9%
Amaranth - 5.2mg, 29%
Teff - 5.17mg, 29%
Quinoa - 2.76mg, 15%
Sorghum - 2mg, 11%
Buckwheat - 1.34mg, 7%
Millet - 1.1mg, 6%
Amaranth - 160mg, 40%
Teff - 126mg, 31%
Quinoa - 118.40mg, 29%
Sorghum - 105mg, 26%
Buckwheat - 85.7mg, 21%
Millet - 76.6mg, 19%
Teff - 7.207mg, 360%
Amaranth - 2.1mg, 105%
Quinoa - 1.167mg, 58%
Sorghum - 1.02mg, 51%
Buckwheat - 0.677mg, 33%
Millet - 0.5mg, 25%
Amaranth - 364mg, 36%
Teff - 302.40mg, 30%
Quinoa - 281.20mg, 28%
Sorghum - 185mg, 18%
Millet - 174mg, 17%
Buckwheat - 118mg, 11%
Quinoa - 318.20mg, 9%
Amaranth - 332mg, 9%
Teff - 269.64mg, 7.7%
Buckwheat - 148mg, 4%
Millet - 108mg, 3%
Sorghum - 121mg, 3%
Amaranth - 13.5mcg, 19%
Sorghum - 7.8mcg, 11%
Quinoa - 5.2mcg, 7%
Teff - 4.4mcg, 6%
Buckwheat - 3.7mcg, 5%
Millet - 1.6mcg, 2%
Teff - 20.16mg, 0.84%
Quinoa - 12.95 mg, 0.62%
Amaranth - 14.8mg, 0.60%
Buckwheat - 6.7mg, 0.28%
Sorghum - 3.8mg, 0.16%
Millet - 3.5mg, 0.15%
Teff - 2.80mg, 19%
Amaranth - 2.1mg, 14%
Quinoa - 2.02 mg, 13%
Millet - 1.6mg, 11%
Sorghum - 1.07mg, 7%
Buckwheat - 1.02mg, 7%
Protein - 9g, 18%
Carbohydrate - 46g, 15%
Fiber - 5.2g, 21%
Fat - 3.9g, 6%
Calories - 3.9g, 6%
Calcium - 116mg, 11%
Iron - 5.2mg, 29%
Magnesium - 160mg, 40%
Phosphorus - 364mg, 36%
Potassium - 332mg, 9%
Sodium - 14.8mg, 0.60%
Zinc - 2.1mg, 14%
Copper - 0.4mg, 20%
Manganese - 2.1mg, 105%
Selenium - 13.5mcg, 19%
Thiamin - 0.037mg, 2%
Riboflavin - 0.1mg, 6%
Niacin - 0.6mg, 3%
Vitamin B6 - 0.3mg, 15%
Folate - 54.1mcg, 13%
Protein - 5.7g, 11%
Carbohydrate - 33.4g, 11%
Fiber - 4.54g, 18%
Fat - 1.04g, 1%
Calories - 155, 8%
Calcium - 11.8mg, 1%
Iron - 1.34mg, 7%
Magnesium - 85.7mg, 21%
Phosphorus - 118mg, 11%
Potassium - 148mg, 4%
Sodium - 6.7mg, 0.28%
Zinc - 1.02mg, 7%
Copper - 0.245mg, 12%
Manganese - 0.677mg, 33%
Selenium - 3.7mcg, 5%
Thiamin - 0.067mg, 4%
Riboflavin - 0.066mg, 4%
Niacin - 1.57mg, 8%
Vitamin B6 - 0.129mg, 6%
Folate - 23.5mcg, 6%
Protein - 6.1g, 12%
Carbohydrate - 41.2g, 14%
Fiber - 2.3g, 9%
Fat - 1.7g, 3%
Calories - 207, 10%
Calcium - 5.2mg, 0.5%
Iron - 1.1mg, 6%
Magnesium - 76.6mg, 19%
Phosphorus - 174mg, 17%
Potassium - 108mg, 3%
Sodium - 3.5mg, 0.15%
Zinc - 1.6mg, 11%
Copper - 0.3mg, 15%
Manganese - 0.5mg, 25%
Selenium - 1.6mcg, 2%
Thiamin - 0.2mg, 13%
Riboflavin - 0.1mg, 6%
Niacin - 2.3mg, 11%
Vitamin B6 - 0.2mg, 10%
Folate - 33.1mcg, 8%
Protein - 6.6g, 13%
Carbohydrate - 46g, 15%
Fiber - 5g, 20%
Fat - 2.2g, 3%
Calories - 219, 11%
Calcium - 8mg, 0.8%
Iron - 2mg, 11%
Magnesium - 105mg, 26%
Phosphorus - 185mg, 18%
Potassium - 121mg, 3%
Sodium - 3.8mg, 0.16%
Zinc - 1.07mg, 7%
Copper - 0.18mg, 9%
Manganese - 1.02mg, 51%
Selenium 7.8mcg, 11%
Thiamin - 0.2mg, 13%
Riboflavin - 0.1mg, 6%
Niacin - 1.86mg, 9%
Vitamin B6 - 0.26mg, 13%
Folate - 12.8mcg, 3%
Protein - 9.8g, 19%
Carbohydrate - 50g, 16%
Fiber - 7.1g, 28%
Fat - 1.6g, 2%
Calories - 255, 13%
Calcium - 123.5mg, 12%
Iron - 5.17mg, 29%
Magnesium - 126mg, 31%
Phosphorus - 302.40mg, 30%
Potassium - 302.40mg, 30%
Sodium - 20.16mg, 0.84%
Zinc - 2.80mg, 19%
Copper - 0.570mg, 28%
Manganese - 7.207mg, 360%
Selenium - 4.4mcg, 6%
Thiamin - 0.461mg, 31%
Riboflavin - 0.083mg, 5%
Niacin - 2.291mg, 11%
Vitamin B6 - 0.244mg, 12%
Folate - 45.36mcg, 11%
Protein - 8.1g, 16%
Carbohydrate - 39.4g, 13%
Fiber - 5.2g, 21%
Fat - 3.6g, 5%
Calories - 222, 11%
Calcium - 31.45mg, 3%
Iron - 2.76mg, 15%
Magnesium - 118.40mg, 29%
Phosphorus - 281.20mg, 28%
Potassium - 318.20mg, 9%
Sodium - 12.95 mg, 0.62%
Zinc - 2.02 mg, 13%
Copper - 0.355mg, 18%
Manganese - 1.167mg, 58%
Selenium - 5.2mcg, 7%
Thiamin - 0.198mg, 13%
Riboflavin - 0.204mg, 12%
Niacin - 0.762mg, 4%
Vitamin B6 - 0.228mg, 11%
Folate - 77.7g, 19%
As always, we recommend purchasing from quality suppliers that are certified organic and non-GMO. In addition, some brands also used heirloom varieties that are slightly closer to originally cultivated ancient grain species.
We likewise recommend rinsing, soaking and straining your gluten-free grains prior to cooking methods to
improve overall digestibility. When using this method, generally about 1/4 a cup less water is required.
It is important for those with gluten sensitivities or those with celiac disease to purchase all gluten-free ancient grains from brands that are processed in a certified gluten-free facility. Products should indicate this with a Certified Gluten-Free seal on the label.
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